Membership form

If you are interested in becoming a member of Texas Advocates for Nursing Home Residents (TANHR) the memberships are $20, $30, $50 or more.  Please include your Name, Street Address, City, State, and Zip Code and a statement that you wish to become a member of TANHR.   If you do not desire membership but want to make a contribution, we appreciate your generosity.  Please make your check payable to TANHR and send it to:

P.O. Box 763143
Dallas, TX  75376

All contributions are tax deductible.

If you want us to send you more information about TANHR before becoming a member, please click on one of the buttons below:

Please send me an electronic version of a brochure at the E-mail address listed below.

Please send me a copy of a brochurse at the mailing address listed below.

Please provide the following contact information:

Street address
Address (cont.)
Zip/Postal code
Home Phone

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Pages under development, July, 1998.  The organization and presentation of all information on this site is © 1998 by Texas Advocates for Nursing Home Residents.
Last revised: July 15, 1998