Welcome to TANHR 

Texas Advocates for Nursing Home Residents


Unseen Suffering, Unrecognized Heroism

Shameful Secrets

Those Who Love
° Efficient and effective management needed
° National Nursing Assistants Week
° Volunteer Recognition




This page is devoted to revealing both the suffering our elderly citizens and nursing home residents endure, and the acts of courage and love done by caregivers for the elderly requiring long term care.  This page features photos and stories about these beautiful human beings who deserve our attention.


There are many who daily touch our nursing home residents with their hands and their hearts.  They go the extra mile to deliver care in sometimes very difficult situations.  The vast majority of nurse aides and nurses who work in nursing homes are woefully underpaid and unappreciated. 

  • More efficient and effective management needed in nursing homes
    [The following article was submitted to us recently by a social worker who has worked in nursing homes -one of "those who love"- and we publish it below with minor edits.  Please consider it an editorial article.]
  • "It seems that some administrators here [in Brownsville, TX] are being told to cut back expenses again, and this of course is always at the cost of resident care. It is easy to cut costs. It is another story to manage your facility properly. It is called being efficient and effective. Basic management skills that any successful business manager has to possess. This is what is missing from some of these nursing homes. No managers. They go from one crisis to another, never learning from their mistakes and almost never looking to see if their system may be at fault. Not their employees fault, but their [management's] fault. It is an administrators job to create a system that works and can be easily monitored and evaluated. But of course this takes intelligence and work. It takes looking at each part of the facility and finding systems that will improve efficiency and still provide the residents with the care they need. It also means taking suggestions from your employees or even residents who may know more than them. Management is not a power play, it is a way of bringing together all the resources of an organization into an effective and efficient system that gets the job done. Nursing homes need managers as administrators, not 'power mongers.' "
    Randy Stotts, MSW
    Brownwood, Texas

  • Recognize a Certified Nurse Aide (CNA)
  • National Nursing Assistants Week
    June 3rd through the 10th, 1999 is National Nursing Assistants Week.   Knowing of the difficult and physically demanding work CNAs (Certified Nurse Aides), TANHR takes this opportunity to congratulate and affirm these beautiful people for the love and dedication they give to nursing home residents. 
    If you know of CNAs who have provided residents with loving care and help and want to recognize them, send us a brief statement of how a nurse aide helped you or your nursing home resident .
    Please limit your statement to one or two paragraphs so we can publish it here on our web site.  We may have to paraphrase, but we'll change as little as possible.  Remember to get permission before using the name of the aid and/or the nursing home.

  • Volunteers - Let Us Recognize You
  • We failed to recognize you here on our web site during National Volunteer Week (April 18-24).  So we want to make amends.  We extend to everyone who is a volunteer in a nursing facility our immense gratitude for helping nursing home residents have a better and brighter life.  You are a light to them, their loved ones and the world.  You give us and them hope.
    If you are a volunteer or if you know of a volunteer you would like to recognize, we would love to hear about those volunteer experiences Please write to us or send an email message to .  If you wish to use the name(s) of the nursing facility(ies) where you or the volunteer you wish to recognize helps out, please get their permission to do so and convey that permission to us.  Also, let us know if we can include the town or city where you live or if you want to recognize a volunteer, please get their permission to use their name and city or town of residence. 


Except for the occasional exposé on the evening news, much of the pain suffered by the elderly  in our society goes unseen by the public.  This is especially true for those who need long-term care.  If they are lucky, our senior citizens have relatives, friends, or others who look after them.   Sometimes there is no one.  Frequently those who are being paid for this care do not deliver.  What you see below is one story of that hidden pain.

When Suicide Seems the Only Choice

Recently one of our members living in the Dallas area received the shocking letter below from his uncle, Franklin Currier, who lived in Miami Beach, Florida.  All of his friends had moved out of state and his nephews and nieces, with family responsibilities of their own,  lived far away.   

Dear ...
My health has deteriorated to the point that I need help with my daily living.  My joints have stiffened so that I cannot bend enough to bathe or dress myself properly.
This would indicate a nursing or other type of assisted living facility as the next phase of my life.  I have seen a few of them and for the most part they are urine stenched places where people are dumped to wait and wish for death.  I will have no part of it. 
And so, this is to bid you adieu.  When you read this I will be deceased.  I have died by my own hand and I do not apologize for my suicide.  I have been on my own and independent all my life.  Let my suicide be my final act of independence.
I do not ask you to understand but I do hope you can accept my right to my decision and wish me rest in peace.
Uncle Frank

Franklin Currier

It is unfortunate that any citizen of this great nation should feel so repulsed by long-term care facilities that they see suicide as the only course of action.  This situation is but one among many that motivates the members of TANHR to redouble their efforts to bring about reforms of nursing homes and legislation regulating them.  We hope you too will be vigilant of the conditions in nursing homes and will do what you can to stand up for the residents who cannot do so themselves.  Please see the information below about how you can help through TANHR. 


TANHR needs your support.  Our only source of funding is through membership contributions and other donations.  Membership dues are at these levels:  $20,  $30,  $50 or "Other."   Your contributions enable us to maintain this Web site and our office, as well as other activities.  We depend solely on the generosity of people like you to continue much of our work. Include your name, address, telephone number and a statement that you are requesting membership.  We depend on your contributions to help us with our expenses. We appreciate your help.  Please make your check payable to TANHR and send to the address below.  If you want a brochure about TANHR please E-mail us at    If you want to find out more about TANHR, please visit our web page: ABOUT TANHR.
Thank you for taking the time to visit the TANHR website.  Have a beautiful day!


Texas Advocates for Nursing Home Residents
P.O. Box 763143
Dallas,  Texas  75376

Phone or Fax: (972)572-6330
Toll Free Phone:  (888)TANHR4U  [(888)826-4748]

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TANHR is a non-profit, volunteer organization working to improve the quality of life and care of Texas nursing home RESIDENTS.


Texas Advocates for Nursing Home Residents (TANHR)
P.O. Box 763143  |  Dallas,  Texas  75376
Call our toll free number: (888)TANHR4U   [(888)826-4748]
In the Dallas area call or FAX us at:  (972)572-6330
Or contact us via E-mail --

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please contact our

The organization and presentation of all information on this site is © 1998 by Texas Advocates for Nursing Home Residents.