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Texas Advocates for Nursing Home Residents



The Texas Department of Human Services has been renamed. It is now
Department of Aged and Disability Services (DADS).


Former Nursing Home Executives Indicted
-- Darren Barbee, Fort Worth Star Telelgram
A federal grand jury in Fort Worth returned 29 indictments against Gary R. Trebert, Stephen M. Ewing, and Larry Gordon May. Each one was charged with one count of conspiracy to defraud the IRS and Health and Human Services, five counts of mail fraud, seven counts of false statements to government agencies, and seven counts of false statements relating to care matters. The indictment alleges that starting in 1999 to May 2004 the defendants knowingly and intentionally devised a scheme using false statements and false documents to obtain control of 70 nursing homes in the name of sham entities.The false statements were used to conceal fraud from HHS, state licensing and Medicaid agencies, and the IRS. The defendants had control of management and responsibility to nursing home residents for over $200 million in payments to their nursing homes. They diverted substantial sums of money from their nursing home operatrions to their personal accounts. Their scheme was to obtain more than $200 million from Medicare, Medicaid, and private pay patients base. They obtained certifications and licenses to operate nursing homes based on non-disclosure of control in management and responsibility for the nursing home patients. They filed false reports and staff enhancement reports with state and federal authorities to obtain and increase their money derived from the fraudulent control of nursing homes.
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Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) unveiled the Nursing Home Quality Initiative. You can find information about nursing homes across the nation and three territories. The web site for this is
www.medicare.gov   Nursing Home Compare.

Information on this site will help you compare nursing homes in your area. There are as many as ten categories for comparison. Some of these categories show the percentage of long-term care residents in physical restraints, percentage with bedsores, pain and infections. There are comparisons on staffing levels in this information. Staffing is crucial to quality of care in a nursing home.

This is only one tool to use in finding the right nursing home for a loved one.

  • Publications
    º  Books
    Nursing Homes: Getting good care there, by Sarah Greene Burger, Virginia Fraser, Sara Hunt, and Barbara Frank, is a Consumer Action Manual Prepared by The National Citizens' Coalition for Nursing Home Reform.  The book, published in 1996, has chapters on residents' rights, assessment and care planning, the 7 most common problems in care, and problem solving: being your own advocate.  The list price is $ 13.95 and it can be purchased by calling (800) 2-IMPACT.  It is published by American Source Books: A Division of Impact Publishers, Inc., P.O. Box 1094, San Luis Obispo, California  93406.
    º  Pamphlets
    "Treating Pressure Sores"  This little pamphlet (23 pages) is an excellent treatment and informative guide to this important problem medical problem experienced by many residents in nursing homes.  It is published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Public Health Service Agency for Health Care Policy and Research.  For information and to get copies of the pamphlet call (800) 358-9295 or write to AHCPR Publications Clearinghouse, P.O. Box 8547, Silver Springs, MD   20907.  The publication number is 95-0654.

Thank You For Visiting TANHR!

TANHR is a non-profit, volunteer organization working to improve the quality of life and care of Texas nursing home RESIDENTS.


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Texas Advocates for Nursing Home Residents (TANHR)
P.O. Box 68    DeSoto,  Texas  75123-0068
Call our toll free number: (888)TANHR4U   [(888)826-4748].
In the Dallas area call us at:  (972)572-6330.
Our Fax number is (972)572-7954.


The organization and presentation of all information on this site is ©2007 by Texas Advocates for Nursing Home Residents.